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Conservation and Land Use Webinar hosted by DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program



Culverts and bridges allow streams to flow under roads, but when poorly designed or undersized they become barriers to aquatic organisms and hazards to communities. In the estuary watershed, partners have assessed more than 10,000 road-stream crossings and found the majority of these structures do not allow for movement of aquatic organisms. Many are also too small to pass the more intense and frequent storm events that our region experiences as a result of climate change.

During this webinar, Megan Lung, Environmental Analyst with DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program and NEIWPCC will provide an introduction to aquatic habitat connectivity and the culvert prioritization project. This project helps municipalities address crossings that are both barriers to fish and wildlife and potential flood hazards using a four step process:

  • assessing road-stream crossings using a regional approach;
  • sharing assessment data and assisting municipalities in developing management plans for their crossings;
  • creating designs for the top priorities that are sized for climate change and “Stream Smart;” and
  • replacing these structures.

Webinar attendees will receive an email confirming attendance, which may be submitted locally for one hour of municipal planning or zoning board training credit.

Note: Webinars are held using the WebEx platform. You can join a WebEx event from your computer, mobile device, or phone. Download the WebEx app.

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George Washington Also Known As The “Father Of His Country” Has History In Rockland



Officially known as Washington’s Birthday, the holiday was originally meant to honor the country’s first president, George Washington. Eventually, the holiday included Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is Feb. 12. Presidents Day is observed on the third Monday of February each year. 

According to the then-used Julian calendar, Washington was born in Virginia on Feb. 11, 1731. In 1752  Britain and its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar, which moved his birthday a year and 11 days to Feb. 22, 1732.

During the American Revolution, George Washington stayed at the DeWint House in Tappan. The DeWint House is the oldest surviving building in Rockland County. George Washington also camped out at Washington’s Encampment in West Nyack on Strawtown Road.

                                   Rockland County is rich in history go discover it!



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Random Acts Of Kindness Week February 14th – 20th



According to, “It’s a celebration of all the ways we can become a positive influence in each other’s lives. Even one small act of kindness can mean a great deal to somebody. The world can be selfish and cruel sometimes and not everyone receives the same kind of support they need. In such a world, it is important for us to constantly be reminded to be kind to one another and to give others hope whenever we can. A small and random gesture of kindness can go a long way.

Your kindness might make a world of difference to somebody. This is the best week for you to show your support for the cause and help out someone in need.”

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