The Elmwood Playhouse in Nyack, NY, premiered “The Play That Goes Wrong,” delivers a hilariously chaotic theatrical experience. Directed by Dana Duff, this play portrays the Cornley Drama Society’s attempt to stage a 1920s murder mystery, “Murder at Haversham Manor,” where everything that can go wrong does, resulting in a cascade of comedic mishaps. The masterful execution of physical comedy and timing showcases the director’s skill. The set, designed to fail spectacularly, adds layers of visual humor as props break and actors fumble through their lines. The audience’s laughter was contagious, as the actors’ comedic talents and energy were fueled by the enthusiastic response from the crowd.
Running from May 17 to June 8, 2024, “The Play That Goes Wrong” offers performances on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM and Sundays at 2 PM, with an open caption performance on June 6. Tickets are priced at $30, with discounts for seniors and students. The Elmwood Playhouse, located at 10 Park Street in Nyack, provides an intimate and engaging setting, fulfilling its mission to bring high-quality theater to the Rockland County community. For further information please call 845-353-1313.
This production is a must-see for theater enthusiasts and anyone in need of some uproarious laughter!