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Piermont Fire Department Responds To Incident Of Male Down On The Ice



On January 25th the Piermont Fire Department was requested to the area of Ferdon Avenue and Paradise Avenue for a male down on the ice.
13-1, 13-2, 13-3 & 13-Rescue responded to the scene within 3 minutes of the initial incident. Due to a second call in our district 13-EM was OOS and South Orangetown Ambulance was then requested to the scene by 13-Command. While awaiting SOAC arrival, members of our department worked on getting the patient removed from the ice and safely on to the dock behind the residence. Once safe on the dock, the patient was then stabilized and moved to a stokes basket. A rope was then utilized to pull the patient up the old dock gangway to dry land.
The patient was transported ALS with hypothermia and non life threatening injuries.
Today one of our own members put his life on the line to rescue a fellow Piermont resident!
While driving home EMT Chris Sanders noticed what appeared to be a individual laying flat on the ice and not moving behind one of the residence off Paradise Avenue. Upon closer inspection he determined it was in fact a individual down on the icy creek.
Without hesitation EMT Sanders sprung into action and made his way out onto the ice to the patient. Once he made contact it was determined that the patient could not move on his own due to the injury he sustained. Sanders then decided he was going to drag the patient approximately 25-30ft back to safety alone, while on the phone with 44-Control.
We would like to thank Chris Sanders AKA (Mayor) for his quick actions and dedication.

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Haverstraw Police Assist Rockland County Probation In Compliance Checks



Haverstraw, NY – On Sunday, February 23, 2025, the Town of Haverstraw Police Department assisted the Rockland County Department of Probation in conducting home visits for Haverstraw residents currently on probation. These compliance checks focused on individuals with probation conditions related to weapons and drug offenses, as well as registered sex offenders.
“It is important that individuals on probation in Haverstraw understand that the Haverstraw Police Department and Rockland County Probation are committed to ensuring they comply with the stipulations of their probation,” said Haverstraw Police Chief John Gould. “At any given time, they should expect a knock on their door.”
The Haverstraw Police Department extends its gratitude to the Rockland County Department of Probation for their partnership in these efforts. Through continued collaboration, both agencies remain dedicated to enhancing public safety and upholding the integrity of the community.

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Orangetown Police Department Is Warning Seniors Of A New Social Security Email Scam



The Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is warning the public of a new scam tactic by criminals trying to lure potential retirement applicants to their site.

This recent scam email appears to be from SSA and has the subject line: “Claim Benefits!” It states “Important: Apply for Your Social Security Benefits Starting in 2025”. The link within the phony email is disguised as SSA’s official website, or Clicking on the link within the email redirects individuals to a fraudulent site. THIS EMAIL IS NOT FROM SSA.

One example of this new imposter email is shown here. It is important to see that the email is from “Social Administration,” and reflects a personal or non-government email address. Government agencies always have “.gov” as part of their official email address.

SSA OIG is advising you to always be cautious of responding to unsolicited emails that appear to be from an official government entity, such as SSA, or another federal agency. These emails are a variation of government imposter scams. DELETE IT. Don’t click on links or respond to any text, email, phone call, or letter that has characteristics of a scam. See warning signs at To contact SSA for business purposes, visit to find the correct information.

“Scammers use benefits, benefit increases, prizes, or problems to attract your attention so that they can entice or intimidate unsuspecting persons with their ploys,” said Michelle L. Anderson, Assistant Inspector General for Audit performing the duties of the Inspector General. “Our priorities are to educate consumers on how to avoid these vicious attempts and to help you keep your personal identifying information and money secure. We will continue to tell you when we become aware of tactics such as this one.”

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