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Rockland Democratic District Attorney Candidates Release Joint Statement on Zebrowski Campaign




Zebrowski Tries to Boot Democratic Opponents from Election

In an effort to distract from the issues, Ken Zebrowski and his campaign filed objections to the petitions of the only two former prosecutors in the race to be Rockland District Attorney. Zebrowski supporter and neighbor, Ronald Hanna, filed objections to both Patricia Gunning and Victor Alfieri’s Democratic petitions to get on the ballot for the June election. Despite Zebrowski’s self-professed legal experience and skills, even his petition challenges are replete with mistakes, duplications of objections, and frivolous claims. So despite paying out-of-county canvassers for many of the signatures and strong arming Democratic committee members to collect the rest of the signatures on his behalf, Ken Zebrowski is seeking to throw out hundreds of valid Democratic signatures, all in an effort to reduce the field of qualified candidates. In filing these frivolous challenges, weaponizing the very election law loopholes he’s helped shape in Albany, Ken is seemingly displaying a remarkable level of contempt for the very voters whose support he seeks.

“I am not a politician. I entered the race with the hope that the campaign would be about the merits – each candidates’ qualifications, each candidates’ vision for the office,” said Patricia Gunning. “When I announced my candidacy, I had respect for my rumored and announced opponents. Now, I know that respect was misplaced.”

“The Office of District Attorney is not a place for legal lightweights. This is a job that demands experience and expertise,” said Victor Alfieri. “As someone who does not even practice criminal law in his private practice, Ken Zebrowski would need to be taught the ropes and is simply unprepared to be District Attorney. That is why he wants two candidates with real world experience in a courtroom as prosecutors off the ballot.”

“As the first woman to run for District Attorney, Ms. Gunning is clearly a qualified candidate who deserves to be on the ballot. We look forward to a debate of the issues during this primary campaign. Qualified female candidates should be given the opportunity to get on the ballot. Judge Alfieri has dedicated his life to public service,” said Chris Smith, Spokesperson for the Walsh Campaign. “We stand firm with them in fighting to ensure, the voters, not party bosses, government bureaucrats or family members, have the final say on who their next District Attorney is.”

The voters of Rockland will have a choice this primary election, despite the Zebrowski campaign’s efforts as both candidates are confident that their validation efforts to get on the Democratic ballot will be successful.

* This joint statement was signed onto by all Democratic Rockland District Attorney candidates.

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Senator Bill Weber Sworn in for a Second Term



A large crowd of Rockland residents gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall to witness Senator Bill Weber being sworn in for his second term in office. Police Chaplain David Lothrop served as the Master of Ceremonies, while County Legislator Lon Hofstein introduced the distinguished guests in attendance. County Executive Ed Day delivered remarks, highlighting the importance of having Senator Weber championing Rockland’s interests in Albany. The ceremony featured an invocation by Rabbi Abraham Horowitz of Spring Valley and a benediction by Reverend Teresa Darden of Nyack. Ava Aston performed stirring renditions of the national anthem and God Bless America. ” Thanks to all who participated and kudos to Clarkstown’s Police Honor Guard for enhancing the ceremony!”

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New City Attorney Nabeela McLeod To Run For Rockland County Family Court



Nabeela is currently the Court Attorney for Rockland County Court Judge Djinsad Desir and was an Executive Assistant District Attorney at the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office where she worked for 18 years. In that time, she prosecuted cases involving murder, assault, burglary, and robbery.
Nabeela has lived in Rockland County for over 20 years with her husband, and are raising their two daughters Maya and Mina in Clarkstown.

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