A large crowd of Rockland residents gathered at Clarkstown Town Hall to witness Senator Bill Weber being sworn in for his second term in office. Police...
Nabeela is currently the Court Attorney for Rockland County Court Judge Djinsad Desir and was an Executive Assistant District Attorney at the Rockland County District Attorney’s...
Early voting is your right. Use...
Rockland voters have 8 days of early voting, including weekends and evenings. You may go to any early voting center, regardless of your town. Saturday March...
NEW CITY, NY – Town of Clarkstown Councilman Patrick Carroll announces his candidacy for New York State Assembly District 96, to replace Assemblyman Ken Zebrowki who...
ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY – Judge David Ascher seeks election to the Rockland County Court, a court that hears felony criminal matters. He currently serves as a...
ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY – Assemblyman Karl A. Brabenec (R,C – Deerpark) announced last week that he intends to seek re-election to the New York State Assembly....