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DEC Announces 2023 Exam Dates for Licensed Guides Program



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Online Exams to Become Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting, Whitewater Rafting, Canoeing or Kayaking, and Rock or Ice Climbing Guides

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced exam schedules for individuals seeking to become licensed guides. DEC is offering exams for guiding in camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, whitewater rafting, canoeing or kayaking, and rock or ice climbing.

“Licensed guides play a crucial role in safely introducing New Yorkers to the many natural treasures around them,” Commissioner Seggos said. “I encourage outdoor enthusiasts who want to pass on their knowledge to others to take the exam and grow their environmental stewardship.”

A guide must be at least 18 years of age. Guides offer services for hire, directing, instructing, or aiding others in a variety of recreational activities. DEC’s Special Licenses Unit administers licensing of outdoor guides. Applicants are not required to be New York State residents to receive a license.

To provide enhanced access to examinations, DEC is offering licensed guide examinations online in 2023. Dates and registration details are below:

  • Feb. 3, 2023 – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Registration must be received by Feb. 1, 2023;
  • March 11, 2023 – In-person examinations will be offered at the New York State Outdoor Guides Association winter rendezvous meeting. Registration must be received by March 4, 2023;
  • March 31, 2023 – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Registration must be received by March 29, 2023;
  • May 12, 2023 – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Registration must be received by May 10, 2023;
  • June 23, 2023 – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Registration must be received by June 21, 2023;
  • July 7, 2023 – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Registration must be received by July 5, 2023;
  • Sept. 15, 2023 – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Registration must be received by Sept. 13, 2023; and
  • Oct. 13, 2023 – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Registration must be received by Oct. 11, 2023.

To register, directions are available on DEC’s 2023 Licensed Guide Exams Registration website. Applicants will receive an email acknowledging registration and an additional one-time link for use to access the website on the date of the exam. Upon successful completion of the exam(s), applicants will receive information on applying for the appropriate guide license, including an application form. Please do not send applications or fees prior to passing the examination(s).

An outline of exam content, a study guide, and additional information can be found on the DEC Licensed Guide Program website. The Fieldbook, a reference book published by the Boy Scouts of America, is also recommended and can be found at a local library or bookstore. A list of current New York State Licensed Guides is available online.

For questions or assistance, contact the Special Licenses Unit at NYS DEC Special Licenses Unit, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4752; Phone: 518-402-8985, Fax: 518-402-8925; Email: [email protected].gov.

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George Washington Also Known As The “Father Of His Country” Has History In Rockland



Officially known as Washington’s Birthday, the holiday was originally meant to honor the country’s first president, George Washington. Eventually, the holiday included Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is Feb. 12. Presidents Day is observed on the third Monday of February each year. 

According to the then-used Julian calendar, Washington was born in Virginia on Feb. 11, 1731. In 1752  Britain and its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar, which moved his birthday a year and 11 days to Feb. 22, 1732.

During the American Revolution, George Washington stayed at the DeWint House in Tappan. The DeWint House is the oldest surviving building in Rockland County. George Washington also camped out at Washington’s Encampment in West Nyack on Strawtown Road.

                                   Rockland County is rich in history go discover it!



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Random Acts Of Kindness Week February 14th – 20th



According to, “It’s a celebration of all the ways we can become a positive influence in each other’s lives. Even one small act of kindness can mean a great deal to somebody. The world can be selfish and cruel sometimes and not everyone receives the same kind of support they need. In such a world, it is important for us to constantly be reminded to be kind to one another and to give others hope whenever we can. A small and random gesture of kindness can go a long way.

Your kindness might make a world of difference to somebody. This is the best week for you to show your support for the cause and help out someone in need.”

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