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International Day Of Women And Girls In Science February 11th



2025 marks the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The IDWG in Science is an annual observance adopted by the United Nations General Assembly to promote full and equal access and participation for women in Science.

IDWG in Science is a global effort to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. Gender equality in science is crucial for building a better future for all, yet women and girls continue to face systemic barriers and biases in pursuing scientific careers.

Closing the gender gap in science requires breaking stereotypes, promoting role models to inspire girls, supporting women’s advancement through targeted programs, and aiding in inclusive environments through policies and actions that promote inclusion, diversity and equity.

Despite statistics that show close performance of girls and boys in science and mathematics, strong gendered stereotypes exist and many girls are still less encouraged in STEM fields and have limited choices for their education and career development.

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Snow Moon Will Be In The Same Constellation As The Heart Of The Lion February 12th



February’s full Snow Moon reaches peak illumination at 8:53 A.M. EST on Wednesday, February 12. It will be below the horizon at this time, so for the best view of this Moon, look for it starting the night before or later on Wednesday; it will drift above the horizon in the east around sunset and reach its highest point in the sky around midnightSee when the Moon will be visible in your area.

The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from a number of places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not just to the full Moon itself.

The explanation behind February’s full Moon name is a fairly obvious one, it’s known as the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average, February is the United States’ snowiest month, according to data from the National Weather Service. 

The second full moon of 2025, February’s Snow Moon, will appear on the eastern horizon in a blaze of orange this week. But there’s a bonus reason to watch the full moon rise a little higher into the sky this month: its regal companion.

The moon will be officially full at 8:53 a.m. EST on Wednesday, Feb. 12 and will be best seen at dusk at the moment of moonrise where you are. It will be in the constellation Leo, hanging above the brightest star Regulus (Heart of the Lion). The moon will also appear bright and full on Feb. 11 and 13.

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National Wear Red Day Focuses On Women’s Heart Health Friday February 7th



                  ‘National Wear Red Day’ is organized by the American Heart Association.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing one person every 33 seconds. Cardiovascular disease is the leading health threat for women. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, according to the CDC. Everyone is encouraged to wear red Friday to bring awareness to this and potentially help save lives. Encourage others to wear RED. For more information on your hearts health please visit the American Heart Association, the link is above. 

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