1866 the Rockland County Journal published an article that captured the imaginations of Tarrytown and Nyack residents. They announced the “construction” of a bridge across the Tappan Zee in just 48 hours. The bridge would be so strong it could support people, sleighs, cattle and cars.
This was not an ordinary bridge, it was nature’s handiwork. An ICE bridge that spanned the 3 mile wide Tappan Zee during the winter. Sometimes it appeared every winter while other times there were decade long gaps in it’s arrival.
When the ice bridge did emerged, it became transportation and a playground for people of all ages. There were walkers, skaters, cyclists, cars, horses, and even motorcycles on its meticulously marked route across the nearly three-mile-wide Tappan Zee.

A skater smoking a pipe gives a businessman a lift across the river. Photo is likely at Stony Point, a much narrower crossing then Nyack to Tarrytown.

Mistakes happen. This touring car found a soft spot in the ice while trying to cross the ice bridge. Norman Burke photograph.

One of the few photos of a car crossing the ice bridge. Notice the well defined tracks leading to Tarrytown. Courtesy of the Nyack Library.
For the full article please visit: https://nyacknewsandviews.com/blog/2025/01/nyacks-famous-ice-bridge-2/