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You’re Invited To Join The Palisades Center Walking Breakfast Program March



The Palisades Center is hosting a walking/breakfast program. Join us for a revitalizing start to your day at the Walking Program Breakfast on March 21st at 10:00 AM, located on Level One in Center Court, adjacent to Zara. Admission is FREE, but don’t forget to register beforehand for a complimentary gift upon your arrival! Register Today!

For more information about Palisades Center’s Mall Walking Program visit

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Congratulations to Siobhan Nordland from the Jesse J. Kaplan School who is the Rockland BOCES “MOVER of the Month”



Congratulations to Siobhan Nordland, our #RocklandBOCES Jesse J. Kaplan School “MOVER of the Month” for March. “Siobhan has made great strides in activities such as standing endurance during MOVE events, ambulating in the hallways to and from specials and participating in classroom activities in a compass chair,” says Physical Therapist Nigi Varughese. “ The use of the TRAM has allowed Siobhan to explore all areas of her education. While in the TRAM, Siobhan participates in Smartboard activities such as choosing a favorite song, participating in circle time activities and interacting with her classmates while standing. We are all so proud of Siobhan’s accomplishments in the MOVE program!”
Kaplan’s MOVE™ (Mobility Opportunities via Education) program combines therapy and education to teach children with physical disabilities and complex needs the functional skills of sitting, standing, and walking. MOVE™ aims to give children an opportunity to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. Every child deserves the right to MOVE™.
Contact the Rockland BOCES Jesse J. Kaplan School at (845) 627-4797 to learn how MOVE™ can help someone in your life.

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Ramadan Mubarak To Our Friends And Neighbors Of The Muslim Faith Observing The Start Of Ramadan.



Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and lasts either 29 or 30 days, depending on when the new crescent moon is, or should be, visible.

The Arabic term Ramadan means intense heat. In pre-Islamic Arabia, Ramadan was the name of a scorching hot summer month. In the Islamic calendar, however, the timing of Ramadan varies from year to year. This year Ramadan will begin at sunset on March 11th give or take a day depending on when the new moon is seen. An Islamic year is roughly 11 days shorter than a Gregorian year.

Ramadan is a period of fasting and spiritual growth and is one of the five “pillars of Islam”  Able-bodied Muslims are expected to abstain from eating, drinking and intimate relations from dawn to sunset each day of the month. Many practicing Muslims also perform additional prayers, especially at night, and attempt to recite the entire Quran. 

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